Wednesday, June 10, 2009

jewelry today

a passage from the book___ Beauty___ by John O'Donohue
The imagination has no patience with repetition. The old cliche's of explanation and meaning are unmasked and their trite transparency no longer offers shelter. We become interested in what might be rather than what has always been. Experimentation, adventure and innovation lure us towards new horizons. What we never thought possible now becomes an urgent and exciting pathway.

Love it!!!!

Posted here are two of my jewelry pieces with agate stones. The necklace has a small gourd piece I decorated and added as part of the design.


Altered Glass said...

I love your jewelry. The butterfly one is just precious. I keep looking at your mosaic pieces too. I am trying to start a few different ideas, but IT IS NOT AS EASY AS I THOUGHT. Of course, I think I am just thinking too hard about it(if that is possible). I have tons of glass scraps and I get caught up with color combinations. So I decided to go abstract, well, frankly, I think I am having an "ocd" moment... I turned off the light and thought I would go at it again in the morning!

cconz said...

Gorgous jewelry pieces. Is the top one a pin or a necklace? What is it made with? Agate and what? Our trip was a blast. Gourds galore. I remembered what you said and kept my eyes open. I did'nt have to look to long. they were everywhere.
I think i already left a comment, but the sink you did was awesome to say the least!

Laura Rodgers said...

Thanks ladies! The butterfly is a pin. I do collage jewelry. It's a silver-plated piece with added crystals and the agate in the middle. I've been doing jewelry about 14 yrs. Remember angel pins? So happy your trip was great.

Lori R. said...

Stop by my blog when you have a minute, there is an award over there for you to pickup.

Bonnielynn said...

Love your latest works ! I gotta get over to your studio one of these days.
I am leaving for Fla. tomorrow, so maybe when I get back, a bunch of us will drop in on you.. (Marjie, Liz, Margie ).